Blogging Tips & Resources

"This website contains affiliate links, which means I earn money from products and services you purchase through my links."

The first stage when starting a blog is the niche, there's no specific formula for how to pick the perfect niche.

The main thing to focus on at this point is picking something you enjoy researching and writing about.

Whether your blog is focused on health, relationships, personal growth, or anything else, the key is to be authentic, compassionate, and helpful.

By doing so, you can make a real difference in the lives of others.

Blogs can vary quite a bit in terms of length.

But the average blog post length is just over 1,000 words.

Headlines should be between 6 and 13 words and consistently to get the most hits and traffic.

Like long titles, Well they produce about nine times more lead generation.

So I would say longer titles are more attractive.

Google search results show that shorter URLs were more likely to reach closer to the top 10 results.

Longer posts generate about 77 percent more backlinks than short-form content.

This usually only applies to useful content, such as factually correct blogs and how-to guides.

In marketing, the top articles had an average word count of 5,714!

The top-performing articles in a wide variety of niches had well over 2,000 words.

When thinking of a niche to write about slightly longer blog posts are more likely to rank on search engine result pages.

a table with a lamp and a clock on it
a table with a lamp and a clock on it

So here are some blogging tips to get you going. The main goal here is to inspire your reader, and give them an idea of what your brand, not your product, is all about.

So you can write a single headline or have a main headline with a sub headline, but just remember that you want your readers to feel an immediate sense of belonging and inspire them to keep reading.

All right, so next up is your intro. You need to introduce yourself and why you should keep reading. share your mission and give the reader a clear explanation of your purpose.

Explain what makes you or your brand different, unique or special, and why your reader should choose to hang out with you and not your competition.

All right, next up is your story.

So this part will depend on your brand personality. You could write it as a story that spans your whole personal origin story and how it led you to where you are today, or you could write it as a detailed bio that focuses on your experience and accomplishment.

Just remember that the objective here is to present a narrative that relates to your mission and vision.

Next up is your method. So this is completely optional, but if the method or approach that you use in your products and services requires additional education or explanation, then here is where you could expand on it.

So for example,

if you have an active blog or a social following, this is a great place to highlight your top features.

All right, and lastly, of course, a call-to-action. So you should always let your readers know

what the next step is or what they can do to get started.

So look at the Stages and dig in and if you need anything let me know.

What are you waiting for, lets get started

Blogging Tips:
